- Opening, Introduction, and an Ice-breaking Activity (10 minutes): We will open with the workshop’s motivation, agenda, and introduction to the organizers. We will then facilitate attendees to get to know each other in an ice-breaking activity.
- Brief Presentation of Each Workshop Participant (60 minutes): The attendees will briefly present their submissions, ideas, or opinions (3 minutes each).
- Panel Discussion with inspirational Talk (30 minutes): We will have a group discussion and provide attendees the opportunity to go in depth on a specific topic.
- Coffee Break (10 minutes)
- Group Activity (60 minutes): We will divide the attendees into 3-4 groups, prompt each group with a special target children group (e.g., children with autism, hearing impairment, depression), and invite them to discuss, revise or add details on it. Then, each group will reflect, summarize, and present their proposed design framework (Figure1), principles, and guidelines.
- Wrap-up (10 minutes): Organizers will summarize the workshop activities. Attendees will be asked to provide feedback on the workshop via an anonymous survey. The organizers will talk through the post-workshop plans and let participants opt into or out of these.

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Let’s contribute to the well-being of children with special needs.
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